1 Week Old Easter Egger Chick (hen) -- I just have too many - Los Angeles


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 7, 2012
Hollywood, CA
My Coop
My Coop
Free Easter Egger hen (chick-- 1 week old) available in Los Angeles to good home who can pick her up in the next 5 weeks. I have a small coop/run and I feel like I have one too many chickens. I got her at Cooper's in Sylmar, CA and she was sexed as a hen. She's very pretty and has already been eating out of my hand. I've had her on chick mash with boiled eggs as a treat. Like I said, i'll keep her up to 5 weeks so she will no longer require being in a brooder. Otherwise, you can get her as soon as you like. *Edit: I bought her as an 'Araucana', however (see below thread) was informed she was probably an Easter Egger.
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Sorry, but I dont think it would be good to ship a chick all alone. I think the stress would be too much and I dont have much experience with shipping one anyway. Sorry!
Thats fine, I understand. I have been looking for a Araucana hen, it's hard to get only one. I understand, its just not worth the risk.
This is an EE chick not an araucana, you can tell by the fluffy face, plus it was purchased at a hardware store. You can only get true araucana from a breeders.

(Despite your tone) thanks for the information. I'm a novice here and just repeating what i was told/sold. So nice to know novices are welcomed here! ha ha. Yeesh...
My EE's were sold to me as araucana's as well, its quite common with feed stores/ranch supply stores as I learned. Thought I had quite a find....only to find out not so much. They're great chickens, and lay pretty green eggs, one of mine lays light blue. I was a newbie and just didn't know when I bought them. A true araucana will not have a tail, its called rumpless. And most people on BYC are really great and very helpful. Stick around, you'll love it. It's a great place to learn about chickens. oh, and Welcome to BYC
Hey Marlo1968,
Thanks for the info and for the nice reply. I really appreciate it! I'm not at all disappointed that they're EEs at all and will just be intrigued to see what they look like. Thanks for the welcome to BYC :)
Hey Marlo1968,
Thanks for the info and for the nice reply. I really appreciate it! I'm not at all disappointed that they're EEs at all and will just be intrigued to see what they look like. Thanks for the welcome to BYC :)
you should not be disappointed. hope you get some nice green eggs.. easter eggers are generally friendly and quite hardy.

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