I have a 1/12 yr old RIR hen that is going through a heavy molt. A few days ago I noticed she was walking in a crouched position. She doesn't do it all the time. She CAN run and walk upright, however she seems to be in this crouched position most of the time. Sometimes I SEE HER STAGGER AS THOUGH SHE WERE DRUNK! I read that it may be a Vit B deficiency, so I isolated her in the run and gave her a treat with a Vit B formula in it. She ate just a little and then spent the rest of the time worrying that she wasn't able to be out with her friends.....pacing back and forth in the run like a completely normal hen. I don't understand why she sometimes acts normal and other times walks crouched. I would think the crouching would be an indication that she's weak....so I wouldn't expect her to be able to run and walk normally. What gives??? Any advice will be appreciated!! Here's a picture of her. Her feet aren't curled. Her comb is red. Does this have something to do with the molt?