Eye Worm?/Coryza? in 3 mo. lorp pullet! HELP!

What do you think this is?

  • Eye Worm

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Bad respitory infection

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Pecked by another chicken (she has 14 lil brothers & sisters, some big, some bantams - all 3 months

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


7 Years
Jul 5, 2012
Little Rock, Arkansas

I have researched "Eye worm" in chickens & read alot about it, this supposedly appeared in 1/2 a day's time... As all of you know all this weird weather is making all of our chickens sick with at least small colds...Well, I have 15 3 months olds that were hatched together, few bantams in the mix, & australorps, Jerseygiants, few mixes, BR, etc.

My question is : Whats the main diff (symptom wise) b/t "eye worm" & 1 infection like Coryza; b/c I know that causes swelling around eyes. She feels REALLY hot, her comb/face, I know she's got a fever, she's 100% tame now, wasn't too tame b4, I found her in her sleepin box w/the others b/c I was checkin all their nostrils for snotty stuff, at least 75% have colds, so can't quarantine them b/c they all pretty much have it..I think the culprit is my lil Nankin pullet, I shoulda treated her a wk ago, I noticed her "peepin & chirpin" soundin really WEIRD/OFF..didn't think much of it til I saw 1 of their nostrils stopped up so Ive been cleanin them as much as I can w/VetRX stuff, I've already dosed every single 1 of their waters with Dura-10 & an electrolyte supplement that I change daily.

If she does have eye worm, I seriously want to get it out...but if not, I don't want to keep messin w/her eye & tryin to get the pus out, although its not really PUS its more liquidy, it hasn't solidified yet really, like in that utube video bout eye worm, THAT was severe & gross!

Maybe its just a cold that got out of hand?

Here's some pics i tried to get...

After i left her alone for a while after vet rxing her, the right part of her eye had lil itty bitty bubbles like water bubbles massed up in the corner....kinda weird...right?they just washed out though....still not sure if its eye worm or just an infection? another pullet or my cockeral could of pecked her in the face and it swelled up but there's no mark?
I wish I could help but I am going thru much the same type thing. Mine has raspy breathing, did have some fluid coming out of her eye and it would have bubbles in it. I can not find any vet around me to test for MG or Coryza, so how can I make a good decision on treating. Very frustrating as more of the chickens are getting sick. I come here for the experts advice....Good luck with your babies.
I have researched "Eye worm" in chickens & read alot about it, this supposedly appeared in 1/2 a day's time... As all of you know all this weird weather is making all of our chickens sick with at least small colds...Well, I have 15 3 months olds that were hatched together, few bantams in the mix, & australorps, Jerseygiants, few mixes, BR, etc.

My question is : Whats the main diff (symptom wise) b/t "eye worm" & 1 infection like Coryza; b/c I know that causes swelling around eyes. She feels REALLY hot, her comb/face, I know she's got a fever, she's 100% tame now, wasn't too tame b4, I found her in her sleepin box w/the others b/c I was checkin all their nostrils for snotty stuff, at least 75% have colds, so can't quarantine them b/c they all pretty much have it..I think the culprit is my lil Nankin pullet, I shoulda treated her a wk ago, I noticed her "peepin & chirpin" soundin really WEIRD/OFF..didn't think much of it til I saw 1 of their nostrils stopped up so Ive been cleanin them as much as I can w/VetRX stuff, I've already dosed every single 1 of their waters with Dura-10 & an electrolyte supplement that I change daily.

If she does have eye worm, I seriously want to get it out...but if not, I don't want to keep messin w/her eye & tryin to get the pus out, although its not really PUS its more liquidy, it hasn't solidified yet really, like in that utube video bout eye worm, THAT was severe & gross!

Maybe its just a cold that got out of hand?


After i left her alone for a while after vet rxing her, the right part of her eye had lil itty bitty bubbles like water bubbles massed up in the corner....kinda weird...right?they just washed out though....still not sure if its eye worm or just an infection? another pullet or my cockeral could of pecked her in the face and it swelled up but there's no mark?
Bubbles in the eye are a sign of a respiratory infection
Gee, looks like a few of us are going thru the same thing.
I agree with Casportpony, it's most likely the onset of a respiratory disease. With coryza, there's a foul odor about the head area. It could also be mycoplasma gallisepticum, possibly infectious bronchitis. Keep in mind there are various strains of these diseases...mild to wild symptoms. A chicken with eyeworm will scratch it's eye, usually going blind because of the scratching. Also, you can actually see eyeworm in the chickens eye.

I wish I could help but I am going thru much the same type thing. Mine has raspy breathing, did have some fluid coming out of her eye and it would have bubbles in it. I can not find any vet around me to test for MG or Coryza, so how can I make a good decision on treating. Very frustrating as more of the chickens are getting sick. I come here for the experts advice....Good luck with your babies.
thanks hon, gl to you too
Bubbles in the eye are a sign of a respiratory infection

jeez, ok, thanks alot, that helps, I really don't want to keep a know poking her eye trying to look for a stupid worm that really isn't actually THERE!! ya know? b/c it does look really painful, that swelling...but yea tonight there were a teensy bit of bubbles not as much as last night, her eyes open now at least, and i think possibly, maybe the swelling has gone down a TID TAD?!....it looks more like she has an eye now instead of just an "eye socket"...I hope its not a worm, but if it is what u say a respitory infection, I know its gonna take alot of time to get rid of that, even being on duramyacin everyday....is there any medicine i can get thats stronger, but that I don't have to go to a vet to get?
I agree with Casportpony, it's most likely the onset of a respiratory disease. With coryza, there's a foul odor about the head area. It could also be mycoplasma gallisepticum, possibly infectious bronchitis. Keep in mind there are various strains of these diseases...mild to wild symptoms. A chicken with eyeworm will scratch it's eye, usually going blind because of the scratching. Also, you can actually see eyeworm in the chickens eye.

EWWWW i saw those pics earlier but dang gross....shiver....thing is, I don't think she had a foul odor, I couldnt' really tell after I'd already used the VetRX b/c that stuff has SUCH a STRONG smell to it, it might of blocked the nasty smell, so....but the inside of her mouth didn't look pus (pus-ey)....sigh i almost typed 2 ss's there lol...cousre its not like she stayed still for very long for me to see...But yea i'm guessing she just might have the WILD type of respitory stuff just got outta hand, compared to the rest of my 3 month olds, which just have stuffy noses & sound different

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