Chocolate Marans



CA Royal Blues
13 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Oakland, CA
Is anyone working on a Chocolate Marans project?

Now that we have the Choc gene in the US and it seems to be pretty accessible I'd imagine someone would be breeding a chocolate colored, chocolate egg laying chicken.

Anyone? Pictures? Experience/info to share?

Is anyone working on a Chocolate Marans project?

Now that we have the Choc gene in the US and it seems to be pretty accessible I'd imagine someone would be breeding a chocolate colored, chocolate egg laying chicken.

Anyone? Pictures? Experience/info to share?


GSC at the Coop is working on Chocolate Cuckoo marans. and the poultry garden site

here a few links a pics..

chocolate cukoo pullet.

older Pullet

I would say they are the most beautiful chocolate colored birds
That Chocolate Cuckoo pullet is lovely! Do you know the owner? I wonder if they have any updated pictures?

I'd like to see a self (solid) Chocolate colored Marans too. There has got to be someone out there working on them.
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Really neat color pattern. The shanks still need some feathering. I bet if its an orp x cuckoo Marans then the egg color is pretty light still. Most of the cuckoos I have seen that are silver based, lay pretty light for a Marans then add Orpington egg color to that and it would be lighter. I have a few orp x marans crosses that I did to test out egg color improvement but I was using black coppers and orps when I was first testing for that.
If you have dark laying Marans (say like # 8) you can really get the Orpington egg color up to about a 5 on the Marans egg color scale. Then keep crossing them to the darker laying breed it keeps on improving. If you are using a Marans rooster over an Orp hen, knowing what color (# on the egg scale) the Marans roo came from can be helpful.
I got same BCM eggs from a friend and ended up with one lovely chocolate chick. Both parents are supposed to be pure BCM. She also got one chocolate chick so far this spring, from the same pairing, so we are hoping we have opposite gender chicks (still too young to tell), or that she gets more chocolate chicks from the pairing. My understanding is that this is a recessive and should breed true.

I got same BCM eggs from a friend and ended up with one lovely chocolate chick. Both parents are supposed to be pure BCM. She also got one chocolate chick so far this spring, from the same pairing, so we are hoping we have opposite gender chicks (still too young to tell), or that she gets more chocolate chicks from the pairing. My understanding is that this is a recessive and should breed true.


Hm... do you have pictures of this chick?

The Choc gene is a mutation and is very rare, it would be something very special for it to just pop up in a Marans line.

I'm very interested and would love to learn more about this flock's history.

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