Tumor on my Chicken's Chest? (Pictures Included)


7 Years
Feb 29, 2012
I have a 1 year old Barred Rock chicken who has started plucking her feathers all over her body in various places nearly a week ago, and today I noticed this large, hard lump on her chest that none of my other chickens have on their chests. I have read about this being an impacted Crop, but I don't know. I'm going to try the olive oil compresses and see if anything changes. Please let me know if this has ever happened to you; if you have any suggestions on what this might be; or if I can help her in anyway.

I'm not sure if this is relevant... but, she's always been smaller than the other 3, and I'm not sure if she's eating with the other chickens because she's become more of a brooding mother. At the start of Fall she started to lay on her eggs more often and would refuse to leave the nest. She'd hiss at the other chickens and me if we got into her line of sight.

Some Photos of the Lump

I see this post is several years old. But my chicken has a similar lump as well. Is round and the size of a golf ball all of the time. Doesn’t seem to get smaller or change size. I was wondering what ever came of your issue with your chicken?

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