Feb 2, 2013 #2 americana-lover Songster 7 Years Apr 13, 2012 717 23 123 Michigan Great idea! I wish I had that!
Feb 2, 2013 Thread starter #3 lkelly02 Hatching 7 Years Jul 14, 2012 7 2 9 Thanks its taken the chore out of watering and feeding them!
Feb 4, 2013 #4 WalkingOnSunshine Crowing 11 Years Apr 8, 2008 4,210 553 328 Ohio We have a lot of hens, so our feeder holds 250 lbs. But my husband rigged up something almost identical to hold oyster shell. Works like a charm, and so much better than the open pan we used to have it in. It stays nice and clean.
We have a lot of hens, so our feeder holds 250 lbs. But my husband rigged up something almost identical to hold oyster shell. Works like a charm, and so much better than the open pan we used to have it in. It stays nice and clean.
Feb 4, 2013 #5 roostersandhens Flap Your Wings! 7 Years Jan 9, 2013 16,528 673 406 Saving Battery Hens at Happy Hen Chicken Rescue in My Coop My Coop i have an automatic waterer but not that kinda feeder cool
Feb 7, 2013 #6 acsempronio In the Brooder 7 Years Jan 3, 2013 15 0 22 Oakland, CA Thanks... that feeder placement answers a question I asked earlier today. My feeder will be similar, if not, the same.
Thanks... that feeder placement answers a question I asked earlier today. My feeder will be similar, if not, the same.
Feb 9, 2013 #7 esoaksranch In the Brooder 8 Years Jul 17, 2011 26 1 22 Thanks for the pics, I was going to make one for our houses so it keeps the rain off them.