Too big of a comb for a hen???


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 13, 2008
Someone pointed out that my supposed hen's comb was really big for 20 weeks of age.

I think she is a white leghorn, the sign said Ideal 256 when I bought her...

So the verdict. Is my "she" a "he" ??

I think that Leghorn hens tend to have really large combs, although I don't have any myself to compare to yours.

Could you post a full body shot of the bird? It might help in determining the sex.
I don't see any of the "spurs" , atleast from pictures I've found online, and he/she doesn't really crow.

And most pictures I have found online, have the hen with the big comb that falls over, and the rooster with the comb standing up.

Still would like more opinions though. Yikes!
Production hens have notoriously big combs. At 20 weeks it's gonna be huge and probably floppy. I'd not assume rooster just because of the comb in that breed. The Ideal 256 is their own probabably trademarked or patented breed of production layer - not a true leghorn, but definately based on leghorn.
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I have an australorp hen that has a big comb and waddles. We wondered at first if she really was a hen. My husband kept saying, "If it's a roo it should be crowing by now". They are now 21 weeks and she was the first one to start laying. So she has been affectionately called Mrs. Waddles. Don't know if this helps or not. Good luck.

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