Hawk, in a covered chicken run!

The Sheriff

10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
Northern CA
We have five runs, side by side. We have flight netting over the top but haven't quite secured it down in all areas yet. I will have before the sun sets tonight!
Good job! I ran out as my rooster was trying to fight off a bobcat once. Bobcat got hold of him while I was getting my rifle. Shot at the Bobcat as he ran away and the rooster was laying there in a pile of feathers. He jumped up and ran to the garden and was alright. One of those lucky days. Those little chicken hawks are no match for full grown standard breeds, but they could hurt them. Your chickens were ready to kick some butt.
Looks like a juvenile male Coopers Hawk. One on one they can very much a threat to even adult chickens but for me just chicks with mom and pop around. Coopers and smaller Sharp-shinned hawks are good at getting through tight spaces. Your birds are much nicer than mine when comes to getting a hawk down on ground like that. Mine would have put a great deal more effort into killing it.
This happened to me about a month ago. I think my invader was a Sharp-shinned Hawk. It was during the day and the coop door was open but the hawk was so busy bouncing off the run's netting in a panic it couldn't find the door. It eventually ripped down a section of netting that was stapled into the roof overhang by ramming into it. My gigantic Lavender Orp rooster was standing in the doorway to the coop looking unfazed. I found a huge clump of hawk feathers in the run so I am pretty sure the rooster and hawk had a bit of an altercation before I came outside and noticed what was going on.

That same hawk has chased hens around the base of a 60 year old Chinese Photinia in my front yard. ON FOOT! Between the dogs and roosters, it quickly changes its mind and takes off.
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This happened to me about a month ago. I think my invader was a Sharp-shinned Hawk. It was during the day and the coop door was open but the hawk was so busy bouncing off the run's netting in a panic it couldn't find the door. It eventually ripped down a section of netting that was stapled into the roof overhang by ramming into it. My gigantic Lavender Orp rooster was standing in the doorway to the coop looking unfazed. I found a huge clump of hawk feathers in the run so I am pretty sure the rooster and hawk had a bit of an altercation before I came outside and noticed what was going on.

That same hawk has chased hens around the base of a 60 year old Chinese Photinia in my front yard. ON FOOT! Between the dogs and roosters, it quickly changes its mind and takes off.

You definitely have to get the foot chase on video!

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