do you have a chicken tractor?

Leah S

8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
We going to start building our first chicken tractor. We have agreed its the best way for us to go. If you have one, is there anything we should keep in mind before building? we are wondering about what you used for the roof. I want one side to open up, but how can we also make it leak proof? what has worked for, and what has not? do you move it daily, or maybe every other?
Leah S
I do have a tractor. Like Fred said I ended up making it far to heavy to move. So now the coop is in a run and we use the kids play house on the tractor and that moves about easy enough. Installed two roosts and secured the widows and doors for night. It's our grow out coop each summer. Did need stronger wheels than my photo.

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I have a 4M x 2M x 2M Poly tunnel frame I am about to turn into a tractor.
It will have a raised coop at one end with a welded mesh base below the perches so should remain fairly clean
if I get the C of G right weight won't be too much of an issue
Large wide wheels will make moving it easier I have an old ride on (snapper) mower that will provide the wheels.

The Tractor will be used to maintain some areas of garden lawn away from our main field
I want to try and stop cutting my lawn completely!

I will probably rotate birds in it so they all get to free range as well

I also fancy some of those birds with fluffy feet and they would be better suited to a tractor out of the mud in the winter as my open field is quite muddy.

This one is pretty impressive only criticism, the tyres are to thin for wet ground!
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I saw a neat pen on Fayrehale Farm's webpage. They use them as stationary pens for breeding, but I intend to build one this weekend for my broiler chicks which are almost ready to leave the brooder. They are small enough to be portable, easy design to duplicate, and fairly inexpensive. Definitely worth looking at!
I move mine every 4 or 5 days.......I agree with most that the weight adds up in a hurry when you are building.....pick it up every once in awhile while building it to keep tabs on it...I also found that bigger wheels help it to move, mine works great in the summer but is much hard to move in the soggy grass in our winters because of the harder small wheels...I have 4 Seramas in mine and they free range about 75% of the time....


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