3 week old chick with swollen ears


9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
Millersburg, PA
I have never encountered this before and I can't find a whole lot of info on it either. I have a naked neck chick that suddenly developed swollen ears. The best way to try to describe it is they kind of look like a doughnut with a black center. I could not see that there was drainage or anything from it. I did not notice the ears swollen yesterday. It seems to be eating, drinking and running around fine. The swelling are very firm to touch. I put antibiotic ointment on it and tucked the chick back in under it Momma for the night. I will try to get some pictures of it tomorrow.
Has anyone ever seen this before?
Thanks! The other ear looks a swollen but definitely not near as big as this one. He seems to be eating and running around like nothing is wrong. He can still hear because when I am checking him out his Momma starts clucking and he wants to get back to her. I am still putting on antibiotic ointment on it to see if it will help.
Thank you for the link! I sure hope it isn't that. Can a 3 week old develop Mareks? I thought it usually affects around the 3 to 4 month old range. I will get a better look at that eye in the morning to see if it really looks cloudy or if it was from the camera. I didn't notice it earlier though.I will keep you posted on what I find tomorrow.
Sorry, I didn't get back sooner. I think it is ear canker. His eyes look clear so I believe it was just the camera. I have been working to try to get the plug of gunk out of it's ears but it is hard becasue of how tiny he is. I got a good amount out tonight but there is still alot in there. I have been packing the ear with antibiotic ointment after removing the gunk. He is still very active and eating well. I hope I can get this cleared out for him.

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