After nine months of moving around, from Raleigh to Chicago to Los Angeles, my amazingly well-adjusted and mild-mannered duck Bunny is in a permanent home. My little sweetheart endured the changes with such grace and ease. Of course, I coddled her through all of them.
Here are some photos of the indoor pen I made for her in the living room of the new house. Aside from a second duck (still working on convincing the boyfriend...) what else should I add to the pen? I'm planning on putting a full-length mirror along that blank back wall because she likes to play with her reflection. As for swimming, we have a backyard with a kiddie pool for her to have supervised swims, and she showers with me on a pretty regular basis. Honestly, though, she's not as obsessed with water as you'd expect a duck to be. She's just kind of "meh" about it. The pen is also next to my boyfriend's work-from-home office and across from the TV which we turn on to Animal Planet when we're not home. Of course, we take her out in the yard or put her in her diaper and let her run around the house every day too.
What else can I add to the setup to keep her entertained? She certainly has fun snorting in her water dishes and chewing on her toys. I love waking up in the early morning to the sound of her cheeping and pushing toys around. I just want to make sure she's always happy and entertained.
So, these are a few photos of what I've got so far. Forgive the mess of feathers--she's molting like crazy!

^ Watching some Animal Planet.

Here are some photos of the indoor pen I made for her in the living room of the new house. Aside from a second duck (still working on convincing the boyfriend...) what else should I add to the pen? I'm planning on putting a full-length mirror along that blank back wall because she likes to play with her reflection. As for swimming, we have a backyard with a kiddie pool for her to have supervised swims, and she showers with me on a pretty regular basis. Honestly, though, she's not as obsessed with water as you'd expect a duck to be. She's just kind of "meh" about it. The pen is also next to my boyfriend's work-from-home office and across from the TV which we turn on to Animal Planet when we're not home. Of course, we take her out in the yard or put her in her diaper and let her run around the house every day too.
What else can I add to the setup to keep her entertained? She certainly has fun snorting in her water dishes and chewing on her toys. I love waking up in the early morning to the sound of her cheeping and pushing toys around. I just want to make sure she's always happy and entertained.
So, these are a few photos of what I've got so far. Forgive the mess of feathers--she's molting like crazy!
^ Watching some Animal Planet.