Duckling Niacin Deficiency?



7 Years
Jul 24, 2012
Salinas, CA

I'm relatively new to ducks and have just worked out they have a special forum for ducks on this website! I hope someone has some advice / experience to share for me.

I got a couple ducklings from TSC last week - one khaki campbell and one pekin. My KC, Hazel, seemed absolutely fine for a few days, but on Sunday ( I got them on Wednesday ) her right leg seemed to be splayed out to the side and she couldn't use it - like she had no strength in it. I started her on antibiotics thinking it was New Duck Disease but things hadn't gotten any worse or better. Yesterday I did some more research and started learning about niacin deficiency in ducklings. Today her left leg also seemed bad - both sort of splayed out far behind and to the sides of her and she just pushes herself along on the ground as she can't stand. They've been eating natural broiler starter crumbles and I realise this may not have enough niacin in for them. The only thing I had at home that was niacin rich was rice bran, so I've been feeding them a mash of that until I go to town tomorrow when I'll buy niacin supplements for their water.

Can anyone tell me if they think this is indeed a niacin deficiency, and if so, when, and what improvements I should see by giving them the supplements? The pekin isn't showing signs as badly as Hazel, but she is slightly pigeon toed.

Thanks for any help

Could be niacin deficiency. How old are they and what temp is the brooder? I ask because I had a young duckling act this way and I was overheating her just want to rule that out. Do they eat, drink, and poop like crazy?
Not sure the exact temp but there's a heat lamp in there which she sits under all the time. But yes, she's eating and drinking like crazy and her poop has been a little runny. Would overheating them make her legs weak?? Interesting. Should I turn the heatlamp off for a bit. I live in California where it's been in the high 60's / low 70's for the last week. We got them on Wednesday and that was the day TSC got them in so I assume they're a few days over a week old
Not 100% and hopefully someone with more experience will be along shortly with niacin I've always crushed brewers yeast pills and sprinkled it over feed or treats but if its niacin def for sure and she can't walk it may need to be treated more aggressively than the brewers yeast sorry just not that experienced enough to say for certain. No don't turn brooder lamp off unless its over 90f week one 95-90f each week decrease by 5 degrees always having a section in brooder where they can escape the heat if to hot. Not saying she's over or under heated but I no it can make ducklings weak and or lead to death that's why I ask so that could be ruled out. If she's eating drinking and pooping fine then I doubt the temps the prob. They do have 24/7 feed and water avaliable? Runny poop and different colored poop is normal .
Thanks for your help, it's appreciated. And I hadn't thought of overheating so I'll keep an eye on that.

Her legs are definitely swollen. Yes she has access to food and water 24/7 but crawls back under the lamp when she's not eating or drinking. I wonder if it's too difficult to get further away from the lamp, or whether she doesn't want to as the other duck and her teddy bear are under the lamp? I'll try moving her bear who she's very attached to, and turning the lamp off sporadically as I don't think she needs it on all the time. With that and the niacin hopefully we should see some improvement
Niacin is very important you may try some poultry vitamins as well I hope she improves soon. please keep us updated on your little ones and mine are 5 and 7 wks and still love their stuffed monkies.
Thank you. I just gave her a little cold compress wrap on her legs and popped her back in her cage. I've moved the heat lamp a little further away so she's in a cooler spot but can get to it if she needs to. She's loving her rice bran mash and tomorrow I'll go to the store and get her some niacin supplement and electrolytes and see if she peps up. Will keep you posted.

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