Deformed chicks


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 20, 2013
I've been hatching chicks and recently started having some born deformed (club feet were they're turned in and leg joints that are formed backwards. Any ideas what could be causing this?
i dont know but i am so sorry that must be hard. do they live long???
I've been hatching chicks and recently started having some born deformed (club feet were they're turned in and leg joints that are formed backwards. Any ideas what could be causing this?

Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Measures

Crippled and malformed chicks Improper incubation temperatures (usually too high) Follow recommended incubation temperatures.
Low incubation humidity Increase incubation humidity by increasing water evaporation. Embryos dried too much.
Improper egg setting position or turning during incubation Set eggs with small ends down. Turn eggs at least 3 times daily. Do not turn eggs within 3 days of hatching.
Heredity Proper culling and breeding practices will reduce problems.
Slick hatching trays Use trays with wire floors or place crinoline on hatching surface.

Improper nutrition of breeders

Provide a well-balanced nutritional diet to breeders.

We hatched one that is deformed the joints of his legs are backwards ....Do we put it out of its misery or what? Help
Incubation problems most likely caused the deformities. I sent you a private mail on how to dispatch a chick VERY fast and humane. If you didn't get it, please let me know ([email protected]) since I am WOEFULLY computer inept!
Sally sunshine your info is wonderful thank you so much that chart answered a lot of questions for me. I've corrected the humidity in my incubator my next batch is due to hatch soon so I'll let you all know how it goes. The weather is also balancing out here so that will help alot I lost three chicks during this last cold spell so I have alot of alterations that need to be done for the next winter. Thank you again your info has been priceless.

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