Is This Egg Infertile or Fertile?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 8, 2012
I have a four month old cockerel that has started crowing, and a three year old laying hen. I have seen the rooster courting the hen (but haven't seen them mating)

, and I cracked one of her eggs open to see if it is fertile. It looks like it could be fertile, but I am not sure and need some help. Thank you!

I believe they are fertile, the first is a hard image to see, do you think they look like the ones below?....
Is it Fertile or Infertile?

To check the fertility, simply break an egg in a bowl. Find the white spot on the yolk. If you do not, use a spoon to gently flip the yolk over until you find it.

If the egg is fertile, the white mark will be nearly perfectly round and in the center it will be yellow;
it will resemble a donut. If it is infertile, the white mark will not be very round, and in most cases, smaller than that of the fertile mark. If the egg is not fertile, the 'white mark' is called a "blastodisc". If the egg is fertile, the 'white mark' it is called a "blastoderm", and this means that cell division, because of fertilization, occurred.
A link with more pics of fertile vs Non Eggs!
thanks! but I'm not sure if it looks like the fertile eggs shown, because it doesn't have a white ring around the white spot in the middle
but make sure you come back and share! I am curious too! They look like my eggs and mine are fertile, but then reading it confuses me! LOL
Ok, I think I'll give it a try :D

After all, I have two hova-bators sitting around gathering dust.... lol

I'll come back and share for sure, thanks for your opinion! (I seriously wouldn't have tried hatching if you hadn't told me they might be fertile)
I always use the 'bullseye rule'- if there's a ring, it's fertile. An older chicken care book I read with my first hatch called it that, and it's stuck with me ^^ Good luck with your hatch!
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