Toe and nail injury


7 Years
Aug 4, 2012
Canada Amaranth
Hello, I found one of my chickens had a toe that looked like it was swollen, and the nail sunk in like a pillow. I saw that the toe was shorter than the other, so something really painful must have happened. the two middle nails on the middle toes looked bruised and crooked. Here are the pictures:

This one is the two bad looking nails,
and this one is the sunken nail.

Any help is appreciated!

I'm guessing here, in an experienced kind of way. I just had a rooster who ripped of a pard of his toe off on a set of metal stairs. It looks similar to this. I would soak his foot in warm water with some betadine added, 10-15 mins. if you can. Apply some neosporin or Blu-Kote after you dry it. Make sure the neo has no pain reliever in it. Check the ingredients for anything ending in caine or cane, if you see that do not use it. I wouldn't bandage it unless you are willing to change the dressing a couple of times a day. Keep it as clean as you can and it should heal fine.

Something I forgot...if there is any heat in this toe, you might want to think about giving him an antibiotic. It looks a bit 'proud' to me but that may be from trauma rather from infection. Watch it and go with your gut feeling. If you think it's hot and infected, give him an antibiotic. Duramycin-10 can be purchased at Tractor Supply and can be given in his drinking water if he is drinking and eating normally. If not they also have Tylan50 and this can be given orally or by injection.
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