Is this a TRUE White Ameraucana?

Hi mshuntjump,

Well I dont have her yet. That was a photo posted by a backyard breeder on craigslist. I spoke with the breeder and she seemed really nice, said she got her mating pair from another breeder. That is the mother hen of the baby chicks she is selling and below is a photo of the rooster dad. I wanted to make sure you all thought that the mom was a true white ameraucana before I bought some chicks from her. Thank you!

It is possible. You would have to ask the breeder where she got her pair from and trace it down. The comb on that roo is a bit excessive for an Ameraucana roo. It should be of pea comb instead of some kind of single comb/rose comb effect.

What color are the parents' legs?
Bluish slate is fine on White Ameraucanas.

You just have to do some research where she got her White Ameraucanas from and do some phone or email tags to trace the origin to be sure. If you are out in the West Coast, I can almost pin point where the White Ameraucanas may come from.

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