Hen laid strange egg - only about an inch long


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 3, 2010
I'm not sure what is wrong with one of my hens. We found tiny egg in nest box. The egg was only about 1 inch long, the shell was rough in texture, and the shell seemed thicker than most shells. I have not cracked it open so I don't know what the inside is like. Has anybody else had this happen?

I have two hens in their second year of laying, and five that started this winter. They have all been laying nice large eggs so I don't know what is going on.

It's what we call a "fart egg" or an "oops egg". I had more than 50 layers at one point and I occasionally found one in a nest box too. Nothing to worry about!
Its fun sized!!!
It's what we call a "fart egg" or an "oops egg". I had more than 50 layers at one point and I occasionally found one in a nest box too. Nothing to worry about!

Fart eggs usually have no yolk

I cracked mine open and there was this cute tiny yolk

should have incubated it

I call these my low cholesterol eggs and the in-laws fight over them.
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I had a tiny 5-week-old pullet lay this today:

I've never heard of one laying anything so soon, but I'm sure she'll figure out what shape to make them eventually! She still has her "baby feathers" on the back of her head!
5 WEEKS? Are you sure? She shouldn't be thinking of laying yet, not for another 3 months at least!

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