Chicken's beak has strange "extension"


6 Years
May 20, 2013
Hi All,

I'm a new chicken owner from Ireland and have been lurking here for a few weeks, learning so much from all of you! :) Yesterday I noticed something strange with one of my hen's beaks, which prompted me to finally join.

She's a Light Sussex and I've had her just over a week. I'm nor really sure of her age but she seems to be a new layer - her eggs are getting bigger and more frequent.

Anyway, I picked her up yesterday and noticed this growth on her top beak - see photos. It seems much thinner that the rest of her beak and looks almost like a fingernail. I'm worried that it might be preventing her from eating (although she seems to peck and eat as much as the other two).

Has anyone come across this before and what should I do?

Many thanks!

While I've never seen that before, I would think more likely than not you may want to look up beak trimming and remove it so that it won't impact her ability to eat. From your pic (thanks for a clear one) it appears just that her beak has continued to grow out.
I had a hen that had the same problem. Her extension broke off before I could trim it. She was much happier when it was gone. I say trim. She will be fine.
Thanks so much for the replies. I popped in to my vet on the way home and showed them the photo just to be sure, and they also recommended that I trim it.

I did it carefully last night with the help of a friend. I was surprised that it bled a little because I didn't think there would be a vein that far down.
She seems ok so far. She's wandering around pecking and eating like normal. I'll be keeping a close eye on her and hopefully she'll heal ok.

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