Pekin Share Photo's breeding tips!


6 Years
May 27, 2013
New Zealand
I know a lot of you are over the pond but thought a Pekin thread was necessary
Little Pekin come in so meny colours! These are afue of the colours I own
Frizzle Pekin Blue Splash & Buff Columbian

Gold-Birchin with a blurry Buff in the background
Silver Partridge
And Possibly my greatest achievement this year Porcelain Pekin! (Millefleur diluted)
wow I love the porcelains! I have lavender and mottled pekins but hoping to add some more colours soon :)
How did you achieve the Porcelain Pekins?!!! Im from Minnesota USA. I have beautiful Mille Fleurs and Lavenders! I was told Lav Roo --> Mille Hen = Babies..... Then you take a pullet from the babies and breed to another Lav Roo.....?? Am I at least on the right path? We don't have beautiful Porcelain Pekins available here without paying an arm and a leg haha
Your half way there,
Lavender x Millefleur = black (usually) or rarely Buff-Columbian or Millefleur or Black Mottled

If you just get solid Black's don't be too disheartened, its harder to refine from black but not impossible. If you breed Blacks together you'll have a small but possible opportunity to produce porcelain or something simular from that generation.

From the Black x Black generation, you should also get Buff-Columbian, Lavender Buff Columbian, Millefleur. Saving those colours could also help you get to Porcelain, but some won't at all its hit and miss using 3rd generation, but possible.

If in the first X you get a Millefleur or Buff Columbian, then your onto a winner, cross the millefleur x millefleur second gen's together and you get 25% porcelain
Buff Columbian's x together can give you 17.5% porcelain (or lavender buff-Columbian)
I have millie pekin and pekins due to hatch from a millie/porcelain pen. If I put a roo from a roo from one to hens from the other bloodline will I get a percentage of porcelain?

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