Very bad chicken poop! Help


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 30, 2013
I have a new to me 7 week speckled sussex.

She is somewhat quarantined with a 5 week old slikie.

She has been doing extremely loose bowel movements. I understand they will have cecal movements but this is every other time.

Sometimes it sprays out her backside. (Sorry to be so graphic)
I looked online at photos and may be within normal range but to me it seems a little excessive.

Any help would be appreciated. I would hate for her to be sick or get the others sick.

Thanks, I did look at the link and it is under the "normal" range.
I just worry because it is pretty frequent.
Maybe she was stressed by the move or was fed a different kind of feed. Do you have her on chick starter/grower? They need 20% protein at that age. Some people feed scratch, but it only has 8% which isn't enough for chickens.
She is eating 18% chick starter/grower medicated.

I am not giving her veggies but she is let out to free range several times a day.
They are in a large cage where they have access to the ground during the day and I bring them in at night for better shelter.
I have not introduced them to the run with my 3 other 10 week olds.

I assume they are getting enough grit from outside.

She is super mellow and allows the little silkie to hang at her hip at all times.

Something I offer my chicks and older chickens is a little yogurt occasionally and I put Bragg's apple cider vinegar in their water 15 ml per gallon. It helps the gut bacteria to be healthy.

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