I am wrong 20% of the time E15. Females are usually a bit smaller in size as a rule of thumb compared to males if that is any help. Have other male pigeons displayed this courtship dance in it's company?
The pigeon on the right is a male in this photo. The bird on the left is female.
Do you have any idea exactly how old the bird might be?
It looks like a mature bird from the Nostril cere.
Does it make a squeaker noise when it is handled?
It may not be sexually mature yet do you think?
I still think it looks like a male from the photo.
However I will change that in a heartbeat once it lays an egg.
I have been around pigeons for years and still make mistakes and so do all fanciers in my opinion.
I would cage him\her with a bird of a known gender and watch for their interaction.
just today i put it with a squeacher and it starteted cooing like a female will.just spinning around in circle not doing that dance then attacked the squeacker