Name my quail :)


6 Years
Jan 24, 2013
Grass Valley, California
Hi all!! Just wanted to show some pics of my Coturnix quail :) I'm still confused about their coloring/variety... help, please.

They are all Jumbo, but are they Wild Colored, Brown or Pharaoh? English White or Texas A&M & Golden or Golden Manchurian? Thanks!!!

The top photo, I would name "Grilled"; the white one in the second photo I'd name "Saute'd with onion, peppers & Onion"....
The top photo, I would name "Grilled"; the white one in the second photo I'd name "Saute'd with onion, peppers & Onion"....
Nicely put XD I would kind of like to breed and kill out for food, I don't think my mum would let me though. Also, I'm not sure I could kill them properly, I wouldn't want to try and get it wrong and really hurt the bird.
I know the theory, but I wouldn't have the confidence in myself to do it right. Knowing my luck I wouldn't cut hard enough or something and leave the poor thing half dead and in loads of pain. I'm hopefully starting a veterinary medicine degree next year, I figure I'll learn to wring necks at some point.
Haha, sorry about that XD
We got distracted. I think Pharaoh and wild type are the same, other than that I don't know enough about the different colours enough to tell you, but as far as I know A&Ms were developed from English whites anyway.

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