happy hen show


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 2, 2013
spencer county,kentucky

I'm trying to see what the best breed is to everyone so i cant get one. i need help to proswaed my mom to get one. please send in a picture. using the information below

I have several breeds and my favorite is my Barred Rocks. They are very gregarious and curious, always the first to try new things. They are nice to the other chicks and like me the most. They run up to me to greet me and I pet and "hug" them. My barred rock cockeral (young male) is nice and friendly to me and everyone else. My pullet (young female) LOVES my dog, funny to watch her hanging out with him, pecking at him, trying to scratch in his fluffy tail.

Barred Rock is my suggestion. I have no cons to offer you for this breed.

Here's a picture of the pullet (female) barred rock with my dog. Funny story too. I had my family members name the chickens when they were 1 week old. It turned out coincidentally that this chicken was named Little Shadow, after my dog, Shadow.

This isn't the best picture of the Barred Rock cockeral (male). His name is Roadrunner. He's a sweet chickie, my favorite of all.

Good luck picking your chicken and convincing your mom to let you keep them!\
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breed: wyandottw
gender: female
pros: friendly, photogenic, good layer
con: slow to mature

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I would suggest Easter Eggers. You get blue eggs and a cute fluffy beard all in one package. :)

Breed: Easter Egger
Gender: Rooster
Pro: Look At That Beard!!
Con: He lays no eggs!

Breed: Easter Egger
Gender: Hen
Pro: Blue eggs!!

Con: They aren't very social (well at least mine aren't)
breed: Production Red
gender: Hen
pros: lays eggs EVERY single day, very calm, loves to be in your lap, and so funny!
con: NONE!

She lays 300+ eggs per year. She laid all through winter w/ no artificial lighting.
I agree with ray24. Easter Eggers are the way to go! I am fifteen, and I own three of them. I also have two younger siblings, so they are great with kids. Not only are they sweet, but they are very beautiful!

Breed: Easter Egger
Gender: hens
Pros: friendly, funny, not aggressive, great for families, lay blue eggs!
Cons: hard to tell gender

Because Easter Eggers are a mixed breed, it is harder to tell what gender they are until they are older. Mine are 19 weeks old in these pictures. They won't be your best friend, but they are not aggressive at all and don't mind being handled. I would diffidently recommend getting Easter Eggers. Plus, they are just gorgeous!

breed:French Black Copper Maran
pros:lay dark chocolate eggs,beautiful
con:a little bit skittish

breed: golden sex-link
pros: can color sex, excellent layers, friendly, talkative (could be pro or con but i love it)
con: all look the same

breed: EE
pros: blue eggs, friendly, all different looking, adorable personality
con: hard to sex


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