Light brahma pullet or cockerel?


10 Years
Jul 12, 2013
Essex County New Jersey
Hi have 2 this is one of them. 6-8 weeks. Sold as a pullet.
I would say pullet. But I dont know why it barley has any black on it though. It should have a lot more black.

Are you sure it is 100% light brahma and not mixed.

I would say cockerel; that comb is quite red for that age. And, as CCCCCCCCHICKENS said, are you sure it is a Light Brahma? All Light Brahma adults, and young birds, that I have ever seen have had black on their necks and tails. Where did you get her/him?
I would say cockerel; that comb is quite red for that age. And, as CCCCCCCCHICKENS said, are you sure it is a Light Brahma? All Light Brahma adults, and young birds, that I have ever seen have had black on their necks and tails. Where did you get her/him?
You know I looked at the comb again and enlarged the picture and I think you are right,I probably should of paid attention.
Thanks. I got 5 chicks from jersey they were all sold as pullets. And according to the sight they are light brahmas. I wouldn't mind but I cant have roosters :( and 2 are looking like Roos with your help the other was supposed to be a BO but turned out to be a CQ and you guys are leaning towards roo on that one too

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