Hi Everyone,
Five days ago, I found a single 6 inch tape worm in one of my chicken's poo. I am still kicking myself for not taking a picture (chalk it up to early sunrise hour and not being fully awake). At the time and before I did a lot of research, I thought it was round worm so I went to Tractor Supply and all they had that is approved for chickens is Wazine. I dosed with Wazine for 24 hours as directed.
However, now after doing a lot of research, I'm pretty sure it was a tapeworm vs. a round worm because the worm was truly about 6 inches long. I could see what looked like segments, sort of how you can see the segments in a regular earth worm, not really well defined but segments just the same. This worm in the poo was kind of see-through too. From looking at the many pictures and worm threads here at BYC (especially those written by Dawg and the pictures he's posted and commented on), I've decided it was tapeworm.
I NOW know that Wazine doesn't kill tapeworm or any of the other many kinds of worms, that Wazine just kills round worm. I originally thought it was a round worm before I did all the research which is why I dosed with Wazine. I also now know that to deworm tapeworm you must use Valbazen, Eqiumax, Quest Plus or Zimecterin Gold. So, I think I'm on the straight and narrow now. I'm pretty sure what I saw was a tape worm and I know what the product options are. I also know how to dose these 4 options despite the fact that they are not officially approved for chickens. I also understand the withdrawal recommendations for them. So, I think I'm all set on this front and thanks to YOU all for publishing so much great information here that I could use to figure all this out.
I've not seen ANY sign of any worms since I found that single worm 5 days ago. No full tapeworms, no segments, no signs of illness or weight loss in any of my 9 free range chickens of 21 weeks old. Not even an expelled round worm after using the Wazine. I have plastic trays for drop trays under the roosts and I check the poo very carefully every morning (and now have my camera at the ready). So, my question is if you were me, would you still worm with one of the above 4 options that kill tape worm? Or would you wait for further signs of worms? I realize I'm supposed to re-dose 7-10 days after the first dose of Wazine anyway but I am just trying to avoid dosing if it's not necessary. There is the egg withdrawal recommendation to think about and in general, I lean towards not dosing/giving meds if it's not needed. I don't want to wait until I have an infestation either, however.
If I do re-dose and for tapeworm (vs. redosing with Wazine), I'd probably go with Zimecterin Gold. I've never dosed orally with a syringe method required for Valbazen. I like the pea-sized dot on a piece of bread method I can do with the Z-Gold. And, I can get Z-gold from Tractor Supply vs. having to order Valbazen over the internet. Plus, the $40 for the Valbazen is probably a better value but it's expensive for me. I'm hoping I can cap the unused portion of the $10 1-dose Z-Gold tube and put it in a zip lock bag for use later.
I think the recommendation from you who are more experienced will be that I SHOULD dose with one of the tapeworm wormers but I thought I'd ask in case I'm missing something.
Thanks in advance,
Five days ago, I found a single 6 inch tape worm in one of my chicken's poo. I am still kicking myself for not taking a picture (chalk it up to early sunrise hour and not being fully awake). At the time and before I did a lot of research, I thought it was round worm so I went to Tractor Supply and all they had that is approved for chickens is Wazine. I dosed with Wazine for 24 hours as directed.
However, now after doing a lot of research, I'm pretty sure it was a tapeworm vs. a round worm because the worm was truly about 6 inches long. I could see what looked like segments, sort of how you can see the segments in a regular earth worm, not really well defined but segments just the same. This worm in the poo was kind of see-through too. From looking at the many pictures and worm threads here at BYC (especially those written by Dawg and the pictures he's posted and commented on), I've decided it was tapeworm.
I NOW know that Wazine doesn't kill tapeworm or any of the other many kinds of worms, that Wazine just kills round worm. I originally thought it was a round worm before I did all the research which is why I dosed with Wazine. I also now know that to deworm tapeworm you must use Valbazen, Eqiumax, Quest Plus or Zimecterin Gold. So, I think I'm on the straight and narrow now. I'm pretty sure what I saw was a tape worm and I know what the product options are. I also know how to dose these 4 options despite the fact that they are not officially approved for chickens. I also understand the withdrawal recommendations for them. So, I think I'm all set on this front and thanks to YOU all for publishing so much great information here that I could use to figure all this out.
I've not seen ANY sign of any worms since I found that single worm 5 days ago. No full tapeworms, no segments, no signs of illness or weight loss in any of my 9 free range chickens of 21 weeks old. Not even an expelled round worm after using the Wazine. I have plastic trays for drop trays under the roosts and I check the poo very carefully every morning (and now have my camera at the ready). So, my question is if you were me, would you still worm with one of the above 4 options that kill tape worm? Or would you wait for further signs of worms? I realize I'm supposed to re-dose 7-10 days after the first dose of Wazine anyway but I am just trying to avoid dosing if it's not necessary. There is the egg withdrawal recommendation to think about and in general, I lean towards not dosing/giving meds if it's not needed. I don't want to wait until I have an infestation either, however.
If I do re-dose and for tapeworm (vs. redosing with Wazine), I'd probably go with Zimecterin Gold. I've never dosed orally with a syringe method required for Valbazen. I like the pea-sized dot on a piece of bread method I can do with the Z-Gold. And, I can get Z-gold from Tractor Supply vs. having to order Valbazen over the internet. Plus, the $40 for the Valbazen is probably a better value but it's expensive for me. I'm hoping I can cap the unused portion of the $10 1-dose Z-Gold tube and put it in a zip lock bag for use later.
I think the recommendation from you who are more experienced will be that I SHOULD dose with one of the tapeworm wormers but I thought I'd ask in case I'm missing something.
Thanks in advance,
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