Updated feet: mites and infection and/or bumblefoot, treatments


8 Years
Sep 11, 2011
Here are updated pictures of my Brahma rooster's feet and legs. I'm starting to wonder if he had scaly leg mites so bad that it led to such an infection. I also wonder about bumblefoot, but it doesn't look that severe under his feet. I don't feel a hard kernel. Someone also mentioned gout. I think I'm going to start penicillin injections tomorrow. How many days in a row do I give them? I found on here to give 0.1 cc/lb. So I am going to weigh him first. I watched a youtube video on how to give an IM to a chicken. Wish me luck.

I have a Black Cochin Rooster who's feet / legs look the same way and have looked this way for months. After trying just about every home remedy I read up on, I finally took him to the vet. They did a scrapping of his legs and feet along with pulling three of his leg feathers out along with there shafts. They looked at everything under the microscope and they did not find any traces of mites at all. Also had a fecal sample done and that came back negative for everything. They put him on Oxytetracycline for 7 days and gave him Nolvasan to clean the areas with then lather on Silver Sulfadiazine. I did this for 10 days. None of it really made a difference. The areas are still bright red and inflamed, although it does look like they might be drying up a bit.
The vet said the next step would be blood work.
Sorry you are having to deal with this. It is very frustrating and expensive!
Let me know how it goes for you.
Forgot to add that my rooster also has small spots on the bottom of both his feet and the vet said it was not bumble foot.
Forgot to add that my rooster also has small spots on the bottom of both his feet and the vet said it was not bumble foot.

It sure does sound like the same thing as me! I also agree, that there have been a few times where it seemed like the tissue was drying out a little bit and becoming light pink instead of bright red. But we figured that was because the Manna Pro scaly leg mite spray was drying it out. Plus the baths were probably drying it out too. I found two brahma hens that might have mites, so I think he may have truly had or still has mites. I wonder if the feathered feet has anything to do with it? As Cochins have feathered feet too. My plan right now is to continue the penicillin injections and try an antibiotic ointment topically. After I'm done with the penicillin, I'm going to return to using the castor oil. I'm also going to put castor oil on the suspicious hens. I don't have the option of taking him to a vet. We've called every veterinarian office in the area and none work on poultry. But I will continue to try this myself. I usually get more valuable information on the internet, like BYC.
Most sites say to give penicillin shots at least 3-4 days. He does have a little bumblefoot--I would just compare it to the size of the other foot pad. His legs look really inflamed. What are you doing for the mites? Here is a link about penicillin: https://sites.google.com/a/poultryp...oultry-podiatry#chickens_penicillin_injection

For mites, I've tried Manna Pro scaly leg mite spray, baths, iodine, castor oil, and vaseline. I'm going to go back to castor oil again.
I truly hope the castor oil works for you!
I have tried that, coconut oil, bag balm, Neosporin, olive oil, nustock, and a few other things I can't remember. I am going to try a find some other things to try before going back to the vet. I have had to cut the feathers on his legs and feet a few times. There was no way I could get to the skin with all his feathers. I won't be cutting them again though, it's already starting to get cold here!!!
Let me know if you find something that works and I will do the same.
Here is some info on Gout if it might be useful for anyone. Gout and Bumblefoot are often mistaken for each other.

For Scaley Leg Mites, a few other possible treatments would include Ivomec pour-on (I'm thinking an internal ivermectin dewormer might also work?), moxidectin dewormer & Sevin dust (Carbaryl).
I have scraped the mites & eggs out from under scales many times, but I'm beginning to wonder if that might prolong the problem sometimes because the gunk often falls back into the birds' feathers (since I hold them on their backs while scraping) where they may be able to hide out for a while & then move back onto the legs...
Are the leg mites visible to the human eye? I haven't actually seen any yet, but the scales are lifted.

Day #2 of penicillin yesterday. No changes yet.
The mites aren't visible but the powdery gunk they create is. It's kind of a light tan & builds up under & beside the scales.

I hope the Penicillin does bring changes in time.

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