Chick makes clicking sounds with his beak, what does this mean?


6 Years
Oct 20, 2013
I have a 4 day old Rhode Island Red rooster chick, bred by my boyfriend and given to me as a gift to rear as my pet.

I've noticed that when I pick him up and hold him in my hand, he settles down, shuts his eyes and will cheep calmly. But he also makes clicking noises with his beak (by opening and closing his beak quickly, it's definitely not coming from his respiratory system.)

I just wanted to know if anyone could tell me what the clicking noises mean? Is it a behavioural thing - portraying happiness (like my hares will 'purr' when I stroke their heads by grinding their teeth as this is a behavioural noise to portray happiness and comfort) or a fear thing?

Or is there some sort of problem with him? I don't think there is, butI really hope not :(

Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure exactly what it means. I don't think that there is something wrong with him however, especially if he acts normal otherwise. If I was to guess, I would think that the beak clacking would mean that he was content.
Thank you! :) I hope he is ok. He is such an affectionate boy so early on in his life, it would break my heart to lose him.
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I agree if he is eating, drinking, and acting normal he should be fine. And it sounds to me like affection. Keep working with him, it sounds like you will have a sweet roo.
Thanks for the advice :) I hope he will be a very social rooster, he is a Rhode Island Red but has no markings whatsoever and has white feathers coming through on his wings, so not sure what he will turn out like! I will definitely work with him and make him a mummy's boy lol! :) I'll see if a couple of photos I have of him attach to this reply.

Wow, thanks you for your comments Cleoandclover! I am so happy that it sounds like my little rooster is content and happy around me :) He has now started to climb up inbetween my collarbone and falls asleep there! LOL

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