Something spreading through flock.


6 Years
May 23, 2013
Vacation Land; Maine
Yesterday I noted a chicken "sneezing" and one who sounded a bit raspy. Being unable to quarantine at this time (I have space to quarantine two and both slots are filled with an injured bird and a new bird), I figured I'd keep an eye on things. This morning 4 out of 8 of the birds in the yard are showing symptoms of illness.

Of the four birds:
2 are acting lethargic
2 have pale comb and wattles
3 are sneezing, coughing and/or wheezing
1 has swelling around her eyes (picture below)
3 have eye discharge (the one with the swelling has "white bubbles" in the corner of her right eye)
1 has clear runny nasal discharge (again, the one with swelling)
1 has not laid an egg in 6 days despite being one of my most reliable layers.

Other possibly helpful information:

What type of bird , age and weight: Various barnyard mixes, age ranges from 7-10 months old

How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? First noticed sneezing and raspiness yesterday.

Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? Four in flock are symptomatic, four are not, two in quarantine are fine (except one with bloody poop - see more info in the "poop" answer).

What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation? We have had significant temperature fluctuations (70* days to 20* nights fluctuating throughout the week).

What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all? Birds have been receiving water with ACV, fermented feed with BOSS sprouts, dry pellets available and anything they get free ranging. All have been eating normally.

How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? Possible worms. This came from the worst hen. I caught it when I was photographing her eyes. I hadn't seen anything like this in the coop previously, but it looks like a full worm load poop to me.

New bird had bloody runny poop the day she arrived, but nothing since. She is still removed from the flock and I am pretty cautious about bio security.

What has been the treatment you have administered so far? Nothing yet.

Describe the housing/bedding in use: Coop is unheated/uninsulated but draft free. Using deep litter. DL has no smell or humidity build up that I can report.

Thank you all in advance for any help you can offer. I'll check back frequently to answer any questions you might have.

**Edited to add better pictures and mention a "wormy" poo that just happened.**
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I'm certain your birds are showing signs of a respiratory disease such as mycoplasma gallisepticum or infectious coryza, or others. Sometimes diseases come in twos, and coccidiosis may also be there causing poor immunity. You need to decide if you are going to treat or cull, since these diseases will make them carriers for life. If you close your flock and treat, I would treat them with Tylan, Terramycin, Gallimycin, or LS 50 (lincomycin/spectinomycin) in their water. These should be available at your feed store or online. Corid (amprollium) is a drug to treat coccidiosis, and I would probably pick up a packet or small container in case You need to treat for that, too. With bringing in new birds, new strains of cocci may be introduced, and the chicken having blood in the stool may have it. The respiratory problem is most important though, and her is some info on these diseases:
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I agree with Eggcessive. Tyaln is one of the best antibiotics for respiratory diseases, so get that antibiotic if possible. The dosage for the Tylan50 liquid is 1cc for birds over five pounds, and .5ccs for bantams. Give Tylan50 once a day for five days. Its injected into the breast muscle with a small 20-22 gauge needle.
we are dealing with the same exact thing right now. Thankfully we've caught it before it spread to any of the other birds. We are leaning towards culling. It's a hard decision, but since she can be a carrier for life and infect other birds even if she has no symptoms, I dont know if I want to take that chance.

This is an article that I found helpful:
I started treating today for both worms and respiratory infection. IF it seems like they will pull through then I will get blood tests done to see if they are carriers. If they turn out to be I will (begrudgingly) keep a closed flock.
I have the same bubbly eye problem going on now as well. It started with my EE so I treated whole flock with Duramycin-10. The EE seems to be doing better, yet now another hen has it now. I have no clue how to inject a chicken, so not really sure what next step should be. The man at feed store really wanted me to go all out on using Vet-Rx and avoid antibiotics. I ordered this Oxine stuff to mist and clean. I have only had my ladies for 2 months now, so please post an update. I am grateful for all the info I can gain to keep my ladies happy and healthy..I hope the flock feels better soon :)
I've got the whole flock on blue ribbon poultry pack multi vitamin and electrolyte. I also have rooster booster multi wormer (with dewormer and broad spectrum antibiotic) in their feed. I have been using vet rx on the heads and under the wings of the four showing symptoms.

As far as results: 24 hours of treating has resulted in a reduction of bubbles in their eyes. I have noticed that they are no longer sneezing or coughing, but still raspy. All of them seem much more vital and active. To me, the swelling around their eyes seems better too.

I'll keep updating.
You can put antibiotics in feed? Is there a waiting time between treating the flock? The 21 day withdrawal time is done next week. They aren't laying age so withdrawal time wasn't a problem. Sounds like you have a great treatment plan there..thanks for sharing. I read the link on injecting..I don't know. Clip wings, no prob. Dust hen, got it. Pet and love, daily. Inject, wish I had a friend with chickens near by. I still can't bring myself to hold a chicken upside down by legs. Again, thank you for sharing your treatment plan :)
The rooster booster wormer/antibiotic is a pelletized feed meant to get mixed with regular feed. My girls ate around it, so I soaked it for a bit and made it a mash. It said to use for 3-5 days. I am going with the longer. There is no withdrawal with this med.

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