Pheasant pen thread!!!

Here is mine partially completed- we have since gotten the netting installed on the top (we did two layers of PE 2" square netting), installed the metal top on the back 6' and installed the 3" PVC feeders. The pens have brick in the ground around the entire structure, the metal comes up the first 26" all the way around except the doors- they have 1/2 hardware cloth on the lower 26".

We started another pen to the left of this one to house Lady Amherst and have a grow out pen for chicks. We are hoping to be able to introduce a trio of Coturnix Quail in each pen to act as "dither" birds but we will have to see how that goes. So far the plants are surviving...

Here's mine.Each pen is 6x12x8.
Since this pic I have added 3 more pens to the left giving 14 in total.I havew also built 5 more pens that are 8x16x10,as soon as I can figure out how to load pics I will post them.
In N.H.,Tony.
those are nice! I wish we had room for something like that- each of ours are 12 wide, 16 long and 6 tall. I am hoping that the plants survive but we will see...
Here is mine partially completed- we have since gotten the netting installed on the top (we did two layers of PE 2" square netting), installed the metal top on the back 6' and installed the 3" PVC feeders. The pens have brick in the ground around the entire structure, the metal comes up the first 26" all the way around except the doors- they have 1/2 hardware cloth on the lower 26".

We started another pen to the left of this one to house Lady Amherst and have a grow out pen for chicks. We are hoping to be able to introduce a trio of Coturnix Quail in each pen to act as "dither" birds but we will have to see how that goes. So far the plants are surviving...
Those cast iron plants are hardy I tell you! I got my cast irons from a church. They were sitting there in a pile all torn out of the soil. THe church said they just were not growing well for them and said we could have them. They have turned out to be a great choice for a bird pen.

I keep peafowl and have some cast iron plants in there with them and sometimes the plants get trampled, picked on, etc but they still bounce back and they stay nice and green all year round. If you ever need another type of plant to try, you should get Fatsias because they work very well in an aviary too.

peafowl are pheasants too so I guess I will show my aviary... I planted some ryegrass in the aviary recently. I was tired of there being no grass.

Some of my cast irons.

Sorry I know there is a peafowl section, I just like visiting the pheasant section to get ideas for pen designs. I really hope lots of people show photos of their pens. I am in the middle of making new aviaries and I would love advise for putting up the wire cables to help support netting.

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