6 Month old black Silkie - Hen or Roo


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 27, 2013
Southern California
This is Clover, my six month old Silkie. I'm pretty sure she's a hen. But, she's recently developed wattles which concerns me. I know that Silkies are really hard to sex but I'm wondering if anyone else has some insight as to whether she does indeed look like a hen or not. I'm sincerely hoping she is a hen - she's our favorite and the sweetest little chicken. We can't have roosters where we live so I will be really bummed if she turns out to be a he. No egg laying yet (but no crowing either!)

Yeah, hen. At six months, wattles are definitely okay to be appearing in hens!
All chickens get wattles- though when they have beards they tend to be hidden or smaller than usual.
With no beard, the wattles are larger/more obvious for both males and females (though male waddles get pretty big when beardless).

My females' wattles (both bearded):

My males' wattles (bearded and non-bearded):

Hen, they have waddles too, just not as big.


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