Diarrhea help


6 Years
Dec 14, 2013
South Mississippi
Hello, it's me again. The chicks given to us are now 4 weeks old (I think) and have learned to roost. As it is too cold to put them outside they are in my bathroom with a heater to keep the temperature warm enough so they do not get chilled. They have learned to roost and can fly to short heights and distances already.

I have one (the smaller) that sneezes on occasion and gets runny diarrhea. She also has normal fecal movements as well. I have been doing a little experimenting with "snacks" (cut grapes, meal worms, oatmeal, apples, bananas) but have not been feeding them a lot of those items. The other one has been doing fine. They are on organic baby feed. Their water is changed daily (sometimes twice a day) as is their bedding to make sure no moisture is gathered in their "improvised" coop.

Here is a current picture taken today. If anyone can assist with the health issues and also possibly age them for me that would be helpful. I believe they are pullets, but they have mighty big feet. Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated.

Awwww.... Your babys are so cute! I have heard that plain yougert will help to cure diarrhea have had one particular chicken out of the flock that has had often had diarrhea and yougert has helped to cure it. It did help a lot. It sounds like nothing that you could be doing could be causing it. Also sounds like you are taking great care of them. The smaller one that you talked about that kept sneezing, may of had a chicken cold. I hope they feel better soon.
Thank you, FarmGirl. I was thinking about introducing them to the older chickens today but did not want to if it was something that could harm them. I have thought about giving them yogurt (Greek as it contains no sugar) as well as treating the other chickens with it as well for the added calcium. How harmful/contagious are chicken colds.?
Thank you, FarmGirl. I was thinking about introducing them to the older chickens today but did not want to if it was something that could harm them. I have thought about giving them yogurt (Greek as it contains no sugar) as well as treating the other chickens with it as well for the added calcium. How harmful/contagious are chicken colds.?
This is strictly my opinion, but I have learned that yogurt is not so good for baby chicks. Chickens don't tolerate much dairy period, but yogurt has too much calcium as well. Better to give them probiotics of some kind in the water or food. Probios Dispersble Powder is a good brand to put in water. They may be sneezing from dust. You might want to try putting a piece of sod into there brooder to slowly introduce them to coccidia in the soil. I would wait to introduce them to older chickens until they are larger. Fences within the coop are a safe way to introduce gradually, and to let the chicks know where home is, while protecting them from getting pecked.
I agree I highly recommend Probios for poultry.its a excellent probotic and can be obtained at some tractor supplies or online.
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Thank you, FarmGirl. I was thinking about introducing them to the older chickens today but did not want to if it was something that could harm them. I have thought about giving them yogurt (Greek as it contains no sugar) as well as treating the other chickens with it as well for the added calcium. How harmful/contagious are chicken colds.?
Hi, PaulandDoris,
This is my opinion, but I would wait until your chicks are a wee bit older until you introduce them. I just researched this for you, and found out that maybe you should wait a little while longer before you feed them yogurt. Yes, I think that feeding your older hens yogurt would be a great idea for added calcium. I feed it to my girls, sometimes for a special treat in replace of oyster grit, and they love it. Don't feed them oyster grit and yogurt all at the same time, though. Too much calcium isn't very good for chickens. Again, your chicks are soooo cute!

P.S. Do they have names? Male or female?


It turns out the loose stools are normal as they are not constant. However, the smaller chick did have a cold. She succumbed to it in the early hours Saturday even though she was being treated. The larger is doing fine. They were named Ying & Yang, but now Yang has no Ying so we thought a re-name was forthcoming. Thank you for staying in touch about them. It is appreciated. The lone chick chirps a lot as she is lonely without her friend.
Hello, I have a EEer who has laid her first 2 eggs over the last 3 days. I have also noticed she has had diarrea for the past week or so. At first I thought they were just cecal poops but now I am not sure. She seems to be eating and drinking fine otherwise and is active in the coop and run. Can anyone tell ny these poops if there is something wrong with her? Thanks
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Hello, I have a EEer who has laid her first 2 eggs over the last 3 days. I have also noticed she has had diarrea for the past week or so. At first I thought they were just cecal poops but now I am not sure. She seems to be eating and drinking fine otherwise and is active in the coop and run. Can anyone tell ny these poops if there is something wrong with her? Thanks
I answered on your other thread.

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