Help 5 Month Old Polish Chicken. Male or Female?


6 Years
Jan 1, 2014
I have a Golden Laced Polish chicken. Not sure if it is a Female or Male. Not sure of the age it is a rescue chicken. I'm guessing months. No crowing, no waddle or crown No eggs. Maybe it is just a confused bird LOL.

That looks female to me. My golden laced roo had all kinds of saddle feathers, and she doesn't have any. Here's what my boy looked like:

Very good looking hen.
She's a nice little pullet. By now, a rooster would have pointed saddle and hackle feathers, and a much redder comb/wattles.
You have a beautiful pullet.
I have a Golden Laced Polish chicken. Not sure if it is a Female or Male. Not sure of the age it is a rescue chicken. I'm guessing months. No crowing, no waddle or crown No eggs. Maybe it is just a confused bird LOL.

It's a female..I have alot of Polish and the Roos have a wild hairdo.The females crest is more even and rounded like yours..Very pretty!

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