Tear Duct Blocked


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 12, 2014
North Chicagoland
I have a 2 year old hen with a tear duct that seems to be blocked. When I push on the swollen area, liquid comes out into the eye (tears), and the swelling goes down. This has been going on for several months. I keep thinking that there is a blockage, and by massaging it every day the blockage would clear. If you have experience solving this problem, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks a bunch,
Nan from Illinois
I dont know if this will help, but i have a quail with what i think is also a clogged tear duct. We did the warm compress thing.... Has this resolved in your hen?
What is the warm compress technique? I have a Sebastopol goose that my eye doctor, who has treated birds, thinks may have a clogged tear duct. I've been giving antibiotic eye drops for a month, but his check is still swollen. Any advice?

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