Mixing odd Royal Palm/ Bourbon Red Turkeys.

Corny Caleb

5 Years
Jan 25, 2014
Howdy, I'm new too Backyard Chicken's
Anyway, I have a breeding pair of bourbon Red Turkey's, and a Royal Palm Tom. (had 3 royal palms but 2 died as poults.) This spring, when My Bourbon Red hen stars laying, I am planing on separating her from the Bourbon Red tom and letting the Royal Palm Tom breed with her too get an odd "Royal Red high bred. There a

re my two favorite breeds of turkey so I thought of mixing them too come up with something altogether different. This is my first time breeding turkeys (along with hatching emu eggs), And Would apreciate any input or comments about the mixing.

p.s. a photo of my beautiful boys.
Hi there,
and welcome to BYC!

They are adorable!

Great to have you aboard and enjoy all your poultry adventures!
Yes they are! lol. Whenever I go outside too take photo's of my other animals, They just some stroll up and get a literal 10 inches from the telephoto lens lolol. So a lot of pics of them get blurry! here's a perfect example lol.
But at least there friendly.
Thanks! There so ugly, there kind of cute lol
And it looks like you have a beautiful variety of fowl! I used too have ducks, guinea fowl and 170 chickens, but have downsized. now only three turkeys, a dozen chickens, and hopefully soon a few emus. Are those African Geese? I have always wanted too raise those, but never had a enough water for them too play in.

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