Do Pekin Ducks Molt In The Winter??


8 Years
Apr 2, 2013

I wanted to see if Pekin ducks molt during the winter. My two sweeties, Ping and Paddle, will be a year old in April. For the last month their egg laying has been hit or miss but it has been very cold and it is winter so I didn't think much about it. About a week ago they both stopped completely. They have been preening and pulling feathers more than usual and now they look all fluffy and their wings looked different when they are doing their "flying". They seem to feel fine and act normally. I just didn't know if it was usual for them to molt during winter. I am attaching a picture of them in their kiddie pool back in January when we had a "warm" day, they had so much fun and I just wanted to share! Thanks for any help!!

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