Parents are: split rooster and several split and several mottled hens including a blue mottled hen.
You will likely get a mix of black and blue mottled, black and blue splits and black and maybe blue.
Recent hatches were 3 mottled, (2-black and one blue mottled), 4 black split, one blue and one black seen below. The previous hatch to that had a 6 black mottled chicks. I have had one single comb in this generation of chicks (of about 50 chicks).
Eggs are a pretty good blue color to blue-green. -See pictures below.
10+ eggs $60 + $15 shipping.
Ends Monday 3.00pm PST according to BYC clock. Please contact ME (Phage) as soon as auction ends and pay by 9.00 pm. To ship Tuesday morning.
Parents are: split rooster and several split and several mottled hens including a blue mottled hen.
You will likely get a mix of black and blue mottled, black and blue splits and black and maybe blue.
Recent hatches were 3 mottled, (2-black and one blue mottled), 4 black split, one blue and one black seen below. The previous hatch to that had a 6 black mottled chicks. I have had one single comb in this generation of chicks (of about 50 chicks).
Eggs are a pretty good blue color to blue-green. -See pictures below.
10+ eggs $60 + $15 shipping.
Ends Monday 3.00pm PST according to BYC clock. Please contact ME (Phage) as soon as auction ends and pay by 9.00 pm. To ship Tuesday morning.
We do not guarantee hatch rates but rates at home are excellent. Eggs will be very fresh and will be packed very well.

Recent chicks!
oldest hen post molt x2
cockerel - split mottled
Mottled Ameraucana Egg with blue marans eggs
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