Clean Legged Bantam Chicks


11 Years
Apr 5, 2013
Fossil, OR
I got four clean legged banties from the feed store yesterday (I believe they get their chicks from Ideal, if that helps), and I would like even a general idea of what I may have. It was a surprise shipment for the feed store, and they don't know what might have been in the assortment.

The first one is white with a little blue/gray in the wing feathers. It has pink legs and a single comb.

The second one is a pale yellow with blue/gray spots. Also has pink legs and a single comb.

The third has a comb type I'm not familiar with (two rows of spikes). The color in the pic is quite accurate. It also has grayish-pink legs.

The last one is black with bright yellow (brighter than in the pic) and some white. The wing feathers are about half white, half black. It has black and pink legs, and stands very upright most of the time. I'm not sure on the comb; there is nothing visible (like a Silkie's walnut comb before it develops), and I don't know all comb types so I don't know if there are any others that don't show until later.
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Updated pics of the babies that still need identification.

Itty Bitty (temp name):

Smudge (temp name):

And Drizzle (temp name):

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It does look like a Buttercup, neat find, nothing else has that kind of comb and the down color looks right. I'd wonder about the first two being OEGs, Ideal has them in a ton of colors, the last maybe a Sumatra?
Thank you for the reply! I wasn't sure what type of comb it was, because I've only dealt with single and walnut personally. It would be great if the last one were a Sumatra, but I won't hold my breath. I'll probably have to wait a few weeks before I can get the others identified, I suppose.
I just can't resist the little fuzzbutts. Is this one able to be identified, or do I have to wait a few weeks or so also? Another clean legged banty.

I updated the second post with pics of the three that still need to be identified. If they are OEG, any ideas on what colors they may be?
I'd say Sicilian Buttercup on the third for sure. I have a hen and she is beautiful. I don't know what she looked like as a chick but this is the only breed that has this comb.

This is her.

Maybe a Sebright on the fourth one?
Two row comb and that color = buttercup! We had a cockerel!
I've never heard of a bantam one though. Weird!
I think one of them is a sebright from facial features and shape but I could be wrong!
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Yeah, I got the Buttercup (Ideal has bantam Buttercups). I can't edit the first post. I just need to figure out the three in the second post. I thought maybe Sebright on one for a few minutes, before I decided not based on the color that is developing. Could be wrong, though.

Thank you for the replies!

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