Poop board design / ideas for diagonal roosts?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 1, 2013
San Jose, California

This is the inside of my coop:

Can you think of any way to install poop boards in this? We have 4 girls. They usually roost on the one that Bella is standing on and the one right above the door that Lucille is walking in through. Though in the future they might decide they like the other section too. Should I just put in a triangle-shaped one under that whole diagonal section, above the door?

Any ideas?
Can you think of any way to install poop boards in this?
I would abandon your idea of the diagonal roost and go with 2 end roost or one roost traveling the length of the coop with a poop board under it.

POOP BOARDS are the "BEST" addition yet. Handles well over ½ of the poop in my set up keeps ammonia smell in check 3½" below roost excellent for catching eggs laid through the night (roost are in cups for easier removal and cleaning). I recently friction fit a piece of vinyl flooring over my poop board.it makes clean up even easier; Pop out; Scrap; Hose; Pop in.

Winter months even easier flex over compost bin DONE!

Easy peasy!.

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I think what we are going to try to do is suspend a board under the main long straight roost using long hooks, hanging from the roost. Then I can remove it to clean it. It will also be under a portion of the short leg that goes off to the right over the door. This will capture most of the poops. If I'm not satisfied with the poop capture under the short leg then I suppose I can add a short board under it in the same fashion.

My girls started to lay this week (6 months old - first-timers) and twice I've found a cracked egg on the coop floor in the poop zone. I bet these were from roost laying and so it would be nice to have the board to catch them. Do you have a lip on yours to keep the eggs from rolling off? And do you cushion them with shavings? Or do they not fall far enough to crack?

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