white chicken with gray/green legs

I don't think that looks like a cornish X. It doesn't look any bigger than the others, I think it being on the perch and all the others on the ground messes up the perspective
You might be right. And it isn't as squat and wide as Cornish X are. I won't lie they are one of my favorite chickens. Lol. So friendly and dumb. Lol
Thanks for all of your replies. Cornish x did cross my mind because she is so big and greedy, but I am glad to hear that the green legs rule that out. Here is a picture of her. Her legs have become less gray than they were. Because she is very bold and curious, she has become my favorite. :love
They don't look like green legs
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and they don't look yellow either. They are in between, a moldy mucky yellow
My dd says they are the same color as an egg yolk that has boiled too long; so yes, a moldy mucky yellow is right. :)
She is not as big as she appears in the picture, but she is the biggest one. Even a little bit bigger than the BO RIR mixes that I have.
My dd says they are the same color as an egg yolk that has boiled too long; so yes, a moldy mucky yellow is right. :)
She is not as big as she appears in the picture, but she is the biggest one. Even a little bit bigger than the BO RIR mixes that I have.
I wouldn't worry too much about it being a cornish x.
If you have chick's o the same age along with other chicks. You will know. They all star out the same day the day of hatch, but within the first week your regular chickens will be let's say 4 inches tall and the Cornish will be 6. They don't even look close to the age they are because they grow so fast
This is my Cornish X



Just to compare!
Thanks for the pics. She doesn't look like that body type, so yay! I don't really care what she is as long as she's healthy and lays pretty well. Although I do think it's fun to guess.
I got two at TS as well and they look exactly the same with green legs. Everyone keeps telling me white leghorn but they dont have green legs. I am just waiting it out but I think they are leg horns. Just something with theirs gives them green legs. Someone said the food they eat can make them green as well. I dont know. We can play the waiting game together. Mine are also bigger than the rest of my chicks except for another mystery chick that I have yet to figure out the breed. But I dont think they are cornish X.

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