Barred rock / silkie mix

Chickie Baby

8 Years
Mar 17, 2014
Lucy is acting very strange. When I got her the breeder told me she was a pullet, just an accidental cross breed of silkie/barred rock. She's been extremely aggressive to the hens lately. Grabbing them in the neck or back and pulling feathers. This morning she actually grabbed one of my Easter eggers on the back and mounted her. Then the standoff happened with my rooster. Hackle feathers came up on both and they bumped a little then Lucy backed down.

Is my Lucy a Louis by chance? I sure hope not!
I got a small pullet egg the other day and she would be by only pullet looking mature enough to lay. I have 3 hens laying, so I got really excited about the small egg hoping it was Lucy's.

Thoughts? Could this just be her hormones raging as a beginner layer or BOY? In the past week, her coloring is changing drastically with partridge colors coming in with each new day.


I do believe that's a rooster!

I really hate to hear this... It would be different if the aggressiveness wasn't so bad. My other rooster is so good with the hens and pullets. Lucy has always been a favorite, just so darn cute! Not that anyone wants an aggressive roo, I will need to try to give him to another chicken family if this meanness continues. :th
Definitely a boy, he has some nice little hackles coming in there.

Just so I'm clear... The lighter feathers coming in around the top part of his neck are the new hackle feathers? I'm very new to chickens other than having them when I was growing up. Back then, I never cared to ask! Thanks for the feedback:)
Yes, those are his hackles. Hens have them too, but roos have those extra pointy ones, they also get pointier saddle feathers near the tail, and big sickle feathers in the tail.
I have 15 hens and now 2 Roos. I would mind having an extra roo but don't want him to be too hard on my girls. I only have 3 laying right now.

Edited-forgot about my little girls
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Yes, those are his hackles. Hens have them too, but roos have those extra pointy ones, they also get pointier saddle feathers near the tail, and big sickle feathers in the tail.

Thanks! My other roo is in the second pic with Lucy or whatever his name will be.... Jerk for now!
He might not turn out to be as aggressive as he seems right now. Being a young bird, he has to establish his place in the pecking order, which is always a little violent.
If he does keep being mean, you can always rehome him, or eat him if you are so inclined.

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