unhealthy looking hen...black spots in comb


8 Years
Jun 17, 2011
San Diego
My flock is pretty split up right now. I have ten that free range and 7 that are younger and stay in a coop. Of the ten that free range, 5 roost in a coop and 5 roost in my wisteria. The ones that roost in the coop are starting to look less healthy, but they're also a lot older then the others. I check my friendly ones on a daily basis for signs of mites and lice but nothing. I finally noticed the two that are meaner have black spots on their comb. I finally caught them and inspected them but there's no sign of mites or anything on them. They also have feather loss. I was thinking since they're smaller then the others in the coop that maybe they're getting picked on but the coop is always open so they have room to run and I never see any of the other birds chasing them around the yard. I was thinking maybe it was an issue of something in the coop, but since the others don't have the black spots or any signs of something wrong then I don't know. Those two stick together, but if the 5 sleep in the coop together wouldn't all 5 have sign of something wrong if it was infectious??


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