New here! Help sexing Golden Laced Wyandotte and Light Brahma chicks please 7 weeks...??? Thank you!


5 Years
Jul 10, 2014
Carmel Valley
Here are some pics of 4 of my chicks I am in question of. I got them from a hatchery and they are almost 7 weeks old. Any help at all would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you all!!!!!

Golden Laced Wyandotte #1 - Noticeably Smaller than my other GLW, feathered in very quickly and beautifully, very sweet, curious...... has a very short tail compared to my other but has the Waddle and Comb already?? Roo?? Just so small!


Golden Laced Wyandotte #1, no waddle, no comb, larger tail

Light Brahma #1 Tail points down, feathered in just slightly slower

Light Brahma #1

Both LB's

Light brahma #2 tail points more upward

Light brahma #2
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Very cute flock! Definitely post these pics in our What Breed and Gender section for more help. Kelsie has left you with the link.

Enjoy these cutie pies and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

X3 on the breed and gender section. Looks like you have one male: GLW#1.
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Welcome to BYC! Your birds are pretty young, but if anyone can sex them accurately, I'm sure some of the members in the "What Breed or Gender" section can do it. Good luck with your flock.
I see two possible males. First they are young to be sexed, second the pictures need to be clear, close ups for the best determination. You need to put up separate photos for each: one a head study from the front showing comb and any wattles. Second a profile standing photo to see hackle and saddle feathers.

They are pretty birds but, mostly all that can be seen easily is their color.

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