Rhode Island Red Hens or Roosters?


In the Brooder
7 Years
6 Years
Jan 23, 2013
I just got these 2 nice Rhode Island Red chickens. They are 5 1/2 months old. The lady you sold them to me said they were hens but I think they are roosters. They have very shiny feathers and have the pointy shiny feathers in the back. Does anyone else think they are roosters? I also have Rhode island red hens and they do NOT look like these guys.

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No I can't keep them because we really don't want roosters and we already have 1 other rooster that was also supposed to be a hen. It is very frustrating because they are very nice quality.
I totally get it! Our first six chickens were supposed to be hens... But half were roos. Eventually all the girls died out and we were stuck with 3 boys(only one is still alive)
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Oh sorry to hear that! I really wish these were girls!

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