sexing 12 week old easter eggers


5 Years
Jul 8, 2014
Hi there! I have two 12-week-old easter eggers and I'd love the community's help to figure out their sex.

Here they are with our 12-week old welsummer pullets.

Sorry, no pictures of them standing. This was the most still I've ever seen them! It's hard to tell an easter egger roo based on looks, but these two (particularly the redhead on the right) are larger than our welsummer girls. They're also more aggressive than the other birds and often puff up and fly at each other when they're let out of the chicken run.

Interested to hear your thoughts! Thanks in advance!
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X2 on the pics not showing up. Sorry, but we need photos to tell the gender of your EEs. Without pics, it's like shooting in the dark. Hopefully you can upload photos soon. Good luck.
Unfortunately, the photos aren't showing up on my computer either. I know that there is a photo posting problem going on in BYC, so maybe when its resolved, we'll be able to see them.

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