Oxytetracycline hcl soluble powder or Tylan 50?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 26, 2010
Southern Nevada
I believe I am dealing with chronic respiratory disease in my flock. A month ago one of our hens was wheezing and sneezing a lot. At the time, all I did was mix Grapefruit seed extract in her water which seemed to have cleared whatever it was at that moment. However, she still occasionally sneezes more than usual. Then, a week and a half ago our rooster was having greenish diarrhea and was lethargic, not eating but drinking. After I gave him probiotics in his water he snapped out of it. Yet now, as of a couple days ago, I noticed the same rooster started having trouble crowing and when he runs or is picked up he wheezes. I have been seeing lots of light greenish watery droppings from many of the chickens. Today, I now have a hen who has bubbles in one of her eyes.

I went to our local feed store to see if they had any Tylan 50, as I've read it can be given to help treat CRD. All they had was a packet of oxytetracycline hcl soluble powder. Could someone give me some advice as to what I should use to treat them with? I can overnight the Tylan 50 from amazon.com, but if the oxytetracycline should work, I'd like to give them that today instead. I haven't used either product before and would love opinions. Thanks!
Many people use oxytetracycline as well as Tylan to treat chronic respiratory diseases, and to prevent secondary infections. Tylan Soluble Powder is also very good if your feed store carries it. The Tylan 50 injectable can be used as an injectable or given orally to each chicken. It is less expensive than Tylan Powder. Dosage of the oxytetracycline brand below is 2 1/2 tablespoonful per gallon of water for 7 days. Dosage of Tylan Soluble Powder is 1 teaspoonful per gallon of water for 5 days. With the medications for the drinking water, they need to drink it well for it to be effective. Here is a link for the different diseases and symptoms: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044

Thank you so much for the information! That is the same brand of Oxytetracycline I have. Can chickens of all ages drink this dose? My youngest are 20 weeks old and aren't laying yet. Thanks again!

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