Pigeon raising Bantam Chick UPDADE WITH PICS.


13 Years
Oct 24, 2009
I posted a while ago about my accidental pigeon / bantam family. Here are some photos I took today.. the chicks is about 2 weeks old. I am still very surprised the pigeons incubated, hatched and adopted this chick as their own.. despite the differences in the chicks behaviour to that of a squab.

Proud mother.. Bit confused having to follow her baby around.. as the squabs just sit in the nest all the time.

Her neighbours think its weird too! But she loves her baby and is very protective of him.. Always keeping herself between the chick and the other pigeons.

And who can lot love a face like this?

Snuggle time with mummy.

Then a quick snack.....

Then time to worry mum with some more exploring....

I am keeping a close eye on everyone. The nest interesting thing will be when the chick decides to jump down onto the coop floor.. where its going to have to meet the rest of the chickens and some young guinea fowl!
The chick won't have a chance on the floor amongst the "rest" of the flock!!!! The chick will actively seek a warm body to seek shelter from all dangers on the floor of the coop. Mature hens will not accept this behavior and peck the chick to drive it away. Once a peck draws blood, cannibalism will most likely take place.
I am thinking you will have to raise this chick seperate from the others until he or she is of a size to be safely introduced to the rest of your flock. He or She is going to need to be able to establish itself in the natural pecking order of the coop. If you do it to soon I am afraid the other chickens will devour it. I am no expert but I have a feeling it is not going to be any time soon. I would however sepreate it from the pigeon as soon as possible. Even find another chick or two about its own age to raise it with. introduce them to the coop at the same time. It wont be such a loner then. Maybe not such easy pickings for the rest of the coop. Have its own pack so to speak. Like I said I am no expert just rambling. It is something I would have to actually research to know what I am talking about and I have not done that as I have not had a need for it.
I am thinking you will have to raise this chick seperate from the others until he or she is of a size to be safely introduced to the rest of your flock. He or She  is going to need to be able to establish itself in the natural pecking order of the coop. If you do it to soon I am afraid the other chickens will devour it. I am no expert but I have a feeling it is not going to be any time soon. I would however sepreate it from the pigeon as soon as possible. Even find another chick or two about its own age to raise it with. introduce them to the coop at the same time. It wont be such a loner then. Maybe not such easy pickings for the rest of the coop. Have its own pack so to speak. Like I said I am no expert just rambling. It is something I would have to actually research to know what I am talking about and I have not done that as I have not had a need for it.
Said very well!
Hi everyone... I was not too worried about the other chickens.. they are all super placid and mellow... and I have 2 hens that always accept new chicks even if they are not broody. and my top rooster is also 'motherly'.. I have seen him brooding chicks before. But I was worried about the guinea fowl.. They are new and I have never kept them before.. they are only 10 weeks old. I breed my chickens for placid temperament and any that show aggression or poor breeding behaviour are OUT... even the roosters all get along like best friends.

The chick has been down and about on the floor with the other birds. There have been no problems... but I have a secret tip...

I have a big upturned wicker basket in the coop with wide gaps about 3 inches wide in the weave. I put the chicks feed and water under there... I always do this when I have hens with chicks.. to stop the other birds eating the chick starter. The chicks can pop in and out of the holes.. and relax under there for a snooze and peace and quite.

This new chick does just that. When his pigeon parents are at home they go around in a group.. the pigeons still very protective of him. they will give any bird coming too close a hard wing slap!

When the pigeons go out side to fly the little chick knows to go under the basket.. where he eats and takes a nap until the pigeons come home.

And I did not need to worry about the guinea fowl.. they even allow the chick to sit in their food bowl while they are eating.

I work from home, and am in ear shot of the coop.. so I can keep a very close eye on everyone. If anything starts to go wrong I will raise the chick separate.. but for now its all working out very well.. and I think the chick is much happier with the other birds.. and not cages alone.

I will get a few more photos soon.. he has grown a lot.. and is super tame.. have to be careful not to step on him as he runs up to me to be picked up and petted. Last night the pigeons roosted back in their nest box.. so I just popped the chick back in to keep warm over night. I will do that again tonight. But he is starting to fly and scramble up things now.. so in a few day I hope he can put himself to bed

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