"Don't underestimate the power of goats to mess up a pasture." Quote of the day!
I'm glad you are doing this to involve your family in nature. Your plans are coming along great! As I was reading through the thread all I could think about was chickens and bees. For the type of setting you have, the smaller the better when it comes to critters. Chickens are productive and don't need much space. Bees use everyone else's flowers
, and both chickens and bees are amazing learning experiences for kids and parents alike. I was thinking that sheep would be a great addition to the pasture as well. Could learn to milk them or eat them. Lambs are probably the cutest in my book. Sheep are escape artists so make sure you have a solid fence. I don't know if you have experience with these animals or not so it might be redundant.. sorry haha Excited for you and your family!
I'm glad you are doing this to involve your family in nature. Your plans are coming along great! As I was reading through the thread all I could think about was chickens and bees. For the type of setting you have, the smaller the better when it comes to critters. Chickens are productive and don't need much space. Bees use everyone else's flowers