Chicken Breed Focus - Maline



Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
Jun 28, 2011
The Maline, a.k.a. Mechel, or Brussels chicken, is a bird of impressive size, with males often reaching 12 pounds and the hens 8 or 9. It was originally developed in the late 1800’s primarily as a production meat bird, in the Mechelen area of Belgian, from where it derived its name. It was the most popular meat bird in Belgian by the late 1800's and was exported to much of Europe. The breed is a good choice for the small flock owner or homesteader, as they are actually a good duel purpose breed. They are an exceptional quality slow growing table bird, as well as good layers, with the hens averaging 150+ large light brown eggs a year.

The Maline is generally a very gentle bird with a calm and stable temperament. They are not overly skittish around people and are amiable to being handled. Being such a large heavy breed, they do not fly well so are fairly easily contained and they do very well in confinement. They are a very hardy breed and are quite cold tolerant.

Breeds that went into the producing the Maline included the native Flemish Cuckoo breed, as well as Brahmas, Cochins, and Langshans. A second type of Malines was later developed by crossing Malines with the Brüges Games, a very large Belgian game fowl, and this cross produced what is called the "Turkey-headed Malines". (These birds have heads that resembles that of a turkey)

The Maline is today found primarily in the Cuckoo pattern, though white, black, golden cuckoo and other colors do or did exist.


Breed purpose: Excellent meat bird, Dual Purpose
Comb Type: Single
Broodiness: Average
Climate Tolerance: Hardy, cold tolerant.
Weight: 12 lbs roosters, 9 lbs hens.
Egg Productivity: Fair, 150 eggs/year
Egg Size: Large
Egg Color: Tinted / Light Brown

Maline Chick, picture @Shellz

Maline Hen, picture @Bart Nagel

Maline Hens, picture @Bart Nagel

Maline pullet, picture @Shellz

Maline rooster, picture @stoneunhenged

Maline hen and rooster, picture @stoneunhenged

We do not have any breed reviews for the Malines yet, if you own any, please let us know your likes/dislikes? Link to the BYC Breed reviews:

Link to the General breed discussions & FAQ threads:

Do you own Malines? Are you a Maline breeder? If so, please reply to this thread with the your thoughts and experiences, including:

· What made you decide to get this breed?
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!

We have a bunch of other awesome breed-focus threads for you to enjoy. You can see all of them here:
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Handsome birds! Looking forward to reading what members have to say about these.

(I'm really enjoying the breed focus articles...please keep them coming!)
Handsome birds! Looking forward to reading what members have to say about these.

(I'm really enjoying the breed focus articles...please keep them coming!)
Me too. Interested in what owners have to say about them. GFF has sold them for quite a while now but no one is talking about them. Of course, no one talks about a lot of the rare breeds. Miss that as I do have a couple/few and can't find others to chat with to gain insights or share info.

Malines look like a BR with feathered feet but also a very compactly stout chicken.. Beautiful!
I have NEVER heard of this breed, but they sure are pretty!!

Come on Maline owners, lets see your birds!!!
We hatched Malines this spring and have fallen in love with these birds. The eggs we hatched were massive, jumbo at least. The chicks were very strong and have sweet, docile personalities. We plan on keeping some of the better females to breed next spring and hatch chicks to grow for meat and to expand our little flock. Will be looking for an unrelated roo or hatching eggs for the spring 2016. We are located just outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Current line is from Triple J but lineage goes back to Bulbs of Fire.
We just shipped our first cockerels for processing this morning. Looking forward to seeing how they turned out when we pick them up tomorrow!
We hatched Malines this spring and have fallen in love with these birds. The eggs we hatched were massive, jumbo at least. The chicks were very strong and have sweet, docile personalities. We plan on keeping some of the better females to breed next spring and hatch chicks to grow for meat and to expand our little flock. Will be looking for an unrelated roo or hatching eggs for the spring 2016. We are located just outside of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Current line is from Triple J but lineage goes back to Bulbs of Fire.
We just shipped our first cockerels for processing this morning. Looking forward to seeing how they turned out when we pick them up tomorrow!
I would love to see any photos you may have of your Malines. Eggs, chicks, pullets, roos...any photos will do please.
@Denwendairy , thanks so much for sharing your pictures. Great looking birds!

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