10 week old pullet

  1. C

    There’s something wrong with my 10 week old chick

    My 10 week old lavender Orpington has been off the last 3ish days. I checked her feet, legs, back feathers, vent and felt as best as i could around her and i don’t see anything visibly wrong with her. She’s been acting lame, not walking long and then laying down, kinda limping at times, a bit...
  2. Y

    Possible Easter Egger Cockerel

    this is my first flock, and i’ve identified this “hen” as an easter egger due to the green legs, however the tail feathers are starting to make me think “she” is a “he”. Comb and wattle say hen (IMO) but like i said, first time raising chickens since i was 8-10 years old, so could use the expert...
  3. C

    Louisville Area - Pullets For Sale - Multiple Breeds - From Hatchery

    $35 each All hens, no roosters. They are 10 weeks old as of July 15th and will be 12 weeks old July 29th. Available hens: 20 - Americana, lay pastel (green, pink and blue) eggs 20 - Noir marans, lay dark chocolate eggs 4 - Columbia rock cross, lay brown eggs 6 - Cuckoo marans, lay dark...
  4. M

    10 week Silkie, guess on sex, pullet or roo?

    Thoughts on this blue cutie? Pullet, roo, or wait and see?
  5. T

    Scalped chicks

    I got 6 chicks which are about 10/11 weeks. I added them to my flock of 2 standard barred rock hens and a silkie hen after spending 2 weeks seeing each other through a screen. The barred rocks are the highest ranking flock members so they picked on the new chicks. They've been together without...
  6. A

    10 week old black sex link won’t leave nest box

    I have an almost 10 week old black sex link pullet that has been spending an awful lot of time in the best box. Obviously to young to be broody she is t even old enough to lay. Should I worry that something is wrong or could she just be practicing. My Shirley girl. She comes out eats gets water...
  7. allebasi4

    10 week old pullet walking like a duck?

    Hi all, I'm not really sure if this is an emergency or a disease, yet, but I wanted to see if anyone had any input. I noticed that one of my 10 week old pullets (legbar x) was waddling like a duck earlier. Tail down, butt to heels. As far as I can tell she seemed normal in the run, but I...
  8. K

    Chick head wound

    My 10 week old chick was just attacked by a hawk about 20 minutes ago. I heard it and ran to the rescue. Once I scared the hawk off, she ran for cover with the rest of her sisters. She lost a bit of blood. I currently have her separated and inside the house. How do I care for the wound and how...
  9. F

    Leg issues

    I’m having a rough start in chicken world. I’m literally on my last day of treating my flock for coccidiosis and I’ve have another issue come up. My 10 week old cream leghorn hen seems to be having leg issues. She can walk but doesn’t want to. She’s been losing her balance and ending up in her...
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