11 week old

  1. MeoWusical

    Beginner Broody or no?

    I have a mallard, Flash, that’s 11 weeks old. Her breast feathers are all patchy, and I can see feathers strewn around the run and sometimes in the pool. When I clean out their water she’s always getting all fluffed up and splashing all over the place (her sisters don’t really do that). When she...
  2. BeccaBoo

    10-11 week old silkie- pullet or cockerel?

    I know it’s super early & hard to sex silkies, but I was curious to see y’all’s opinions on my Hazel. S/he is very shy, hides under my lavender orpington, doesn’t mess w/her sisters, & gets her treats taken by them too. S/he hasn’t show any cockerel behaviors “yet” & I don’t see waddles & her...
  3. U


    Hey all! Please tell me my favorite hen is, indeed, a hen! Also, any idea what breed she is?? She looks absolutely nothing like my others! Thank you!
  4. Bubblesunrise

    11 Week Old Silkie Gender?

    Hello! I have two baby Silkies and this is my first time raising them on my own! I live in town (previously raised in country with my family) and so I can’t keep roosters. This little chick is 11 weeks old and has really bamboozled me. I have another one I am pretty sure is a hen and I know...
  5. shinymelody

    Silkie gender?

    Hello!! I've posted this before when my silkie was about six weeks, but it's been a few more weeks now and I'm wondering if anyone can identify it's gender. It's about 11-12 weeks, so I'm not sure if I should wait longer? I'm still feeling rooster, but I'm no expert, so I would appreciate...
  6. kurby22

    Ameraucana pullet? 11 weeks

    I feel like I can almost feel okay saying she’s a she…but I’ve never had an Ameraucana or a pea comb breed so I just need confirmation I’m mostly safe thinking she’s a she! I got burned by my first birds and all my favorites were eventual boys so I’m super paranoid haha. I have two, they look...
  7. C

    Chocolate mottled pekin

    If everyone isn’t sick to death of this question I would love to know if you think there is any chance that this 11 week old chocolate mottled pekin could be a hen? 😬 thank you
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